Search results for "daach'it"

daach'it, dach'ta' v step on something Daach'it na' laabu'un. I stepped on a nail. Dach'ta' na' cheexa'an k'uta. I stepped on the dog's tail.

daach'it v step on something Daach'it na' laabu'un. I stepped on a nail. Dach'ta' na' cheexa'an k'uta. I stepped on the dog's tail.

k'oolapi', k'oolapi'in n mosquito K'oolapi' hoy'nit weelaw. The mosquito flew to the light. Daach'it 'ama' k'oolapi'in. He stepped on the mosquito.

meech'a', meech'a'an n black widow 'Ach'ich'ta' meech'a' 'am. A black widow bit him. Daach'it na' meech'a'an. I stepped on a black widow.