Search results for "amaamin"

'aman, 'amaamin ProN they (plural) Aman xata'an'. They are eating. Linda wanta' 'amaamin hedeesha. Linda gave them wood.

'amaamin ProN their (plural) Xo' 'amaamin 'ooch'iy' naanin xo'. Their house is close to ours. Yashne' na' ta'an 'amaamin hatma. I wish for their singing.

ma', mam ProN you, singular Amaamin ma' wosit. You hit them. Yooyot na' mam. I called you.

naa'an, naanin ProN we (exclusive: not including you) Wosit naa'an 'amaamin. We (excluding you) hit them. Hujut noh'o' naanin. The bear growled at us (excluding you).

may', maywa ProN we (inclusive: including you) Wosit may' 'amaamin. We (including you) hit them. Ta'ishta' maywa. He saw us (including you).

t'ink'ot, t'ink'oto' v thump Ama' dolk'ok'no' t'ink'oto' 'amaamin 'och'owo. The giant thumped their head.

maldit, malidta' v stick tongue out at somebody Maldit ganaadu' 'amaamin. The cow is sticking its tongue out at them. Malidta' ma' nan. You stuck your tongue out at me.

nich'it, nich'ta' v squeeze, 1 (cf. squash, press) Nich'it p'ayee'i huuwas 'amaamin p'onooshaw. The kids are squeezing grapes on their hands. Nich'ta' na' 'orinji'in. I squeezed the orange.

baanewshit v race Aman p'ayee'i baanewshit. The children raced. Gawaayu' 'amaamin baanewishta'. Their horse raced. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Gambling, - Race, - Wave, - Family, clan, - Run.)

namxit, namixta' v play together Namxit 'aman. They are playing together. P'ayee'i yo' 'amaamin heedin namixta'. The children and their family played together