Search results for "baada', baada'an"

baada', baada'an n butter Xap'eelat baada'. 'An' potgo! The butter is hot. Don't touch it! K'eele' na' holoomun baada'an baanaw. I always spread butter on the bread. (sem. domains: - Eating utensil, - Milk products, - Prepared food.)

k'eelit, k'elta'₂ v spread K'eelit na' baada'an keek'aw. I spread the butter on the cake. K'elta' duwich'a baanaw. He spread honey on the bread.

k'eela'hiy', k'eela'hiya n butter knife Mich gayis hi' k'eela'hiy'. This butter knife is really good. Tishata' 'ama' baada'an 'am yo' k'eelahiya. She took out a butter knife and the butter.