Search results for "ch'alit"

ch'alit v break Ch'alit na' bilaasu'un. I broke the plates. Ch'alta' xaalu'un. She broke a bowl.

ch'olippiy, ch'olippiya n six Lihimwishta' ch'olippiy ka'yu'. The six coyotes ran with each other. Ch'alit xaalu'un ch'olippiya. She broke six bowls. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

bilaasu', bilaasu'un n plate Widinta' bilaasu' sheleelaw. The plate fell on the rock. Ch'alit na' min bilaasu'un. I broke your plate. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot, - Fill, cover.)

chesh, cheesha n obsidian Sasyinta' chesh. The obsidian broke. Ch'alit na' cheesha. I broke the obsidian.