Search results for "gayeeda'"

gayeeda' n cookie K'amnit gayeeda'. The cookies dried up. Bayan' xi gayeeda'an di'sham'. He knows how to make cookies. (sem. domains: - Store wealth, - Prepared food.)

hawit, hawta'₂ v why Hawit da' na'at nim taanit xo'ow min? Why did my older sister go to your house? Hawta' da' 'ama' xatta' nim gayeeda'an? Why did she eat my cookie?

dameenat, dameenata' v try Dameenata' na' gayeeda'an. I tried the cookies. Dameenata' na' de'eshich' woshok'o. I tried to make a belt.

wodlit, woodilta' n take away Wodlit 'aman gayeeda'an naanin. He took away the cookies from us. Ama' woodilta' hidya'an yokooch'i. He took it away from all people.

tan'et, tan'eta' v take something Tan'et na' gayeeda'an. I took the cookies. Mi'in Ka'yu' tan'eta' shukshuya. Then Coyote took the sand.

da'it, da'ta' v taste something Da'it na' gayeeda'an. I tasted some cookies. Da'ta' xataashi. He tasted the food.

bayan' adj know how, good at Taa noono' mich bayan' hatma. That man is good at singing. Bayan' naa'ak' gayeeda'an di'sham'. We both know how to make cookies.

jiiwu', jiiwu'un n goat Xatit jiiwu' gayeeda'an. The goat ate cookies. Xet'amewen' noono' jiiwu'un. A man is dragging a goat. (sem. domains: 1.6.7 - Male and female animals, 6.3.1 - Domesticated animal, - Goat.)

nalt'it, nalit'ta' v cut in half Nalt'it na' bobbila. I cut the paper in half. Nalit'ta' 'ama' gayeeda'an. She cut the cookie in half.

chokolade', chokolade'en n chocolate Putmut chokolade'. The chocolate boiled. Xayat na' chokolade'en 'adlen gayeeda'an. I put the chocolate under the cookies.
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