hawit, hawta'₂ v why Hawit da' na'at nim taanit xo'ow min? Why did my older sister go to your house? Hawta' da' 'ama' xatta' nim gayeeda'an? Why did she eat my cookie?
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hawitmi adv how Hawitmi da' ma' wile' squirrel? How do you say 'squirrel'? Hawitmi da' ma' gosneenot xataashi? How did you cook the food?
hawt'it, hawit'ta' wh how Hawt'it da' 'ama' de'eshich' teewisha? How did she make the basket? Hawit'ta' da' 'ama' odeebich' teseech'i? How did he open the door?
hawit v do Ha'an da' ma' hawit? What did you do? Ha'an da' taa mokeela hawta'? What did that woman do?
hawit, hawta'₁ v do Ha'an da' ma' hawit? What did you do? Ha'an da' taa mokeela' hawta'? What did that woman do?
ch'uyu' adv even though (cf. anyway) Ohom' may' huda'an' hawitmi hoyil', ch'uyu' da' t'ulhanta. We don't know how he was alive, even though he was burned. Shawigta' galjina ha'ehhi, ch'uyu' da' 'ohom' na'ash ch'awaalal. He bought a lot of clothes, even though he couldn't pay for them.