heweetit, hewetta' v walk Heweetit 'aman. They are walking. Ohom' Nina' hewetta'. Nina didn't walk.
Search results for "hew"
hew'hewta- v walk around Hew'hewtaxon'. She's walking around.
xaami hew adv over here Holoshga xaami hew! Sit over here!
hew adv here Xayan' na' mi'in hew bilaasu'un. I'm going to put the plate down here. Shipga min hoyowush hew! Write your name here! (sem. domains: - Indefinite location, - Go, 9.6 - Connected with, related, - Absent, - Annoyed, - Not yet, - Come, - Prompters of attention, - Soon, - Empty, 8.5.1 - Here, there.)
hew'nit, hew'nita' v do it this way Chismi hoopula hew'nit. He cut the root this way. Hew'nita' na'. I did it this way.
heweyit, heweyta' v answer Heweyit 'am leelilaych'i. She answered the teacher. Heweyta' nan. He answered me.
wemi', wemi'in n water oak Bohlo' wemi' hew. Water oaks grow here. An' lasga wemi'in! Don't chop down the water oaks!
galiide', galiide'en n watercress Bohulta' galiide' hew. Watercress grew here. Labayit na' galiide'en. I gathered watercress.
bumuk', bumuk'a n tule (round) Bohle' bumuk' hew. Tule grows here. Chishit 'aman bumuk'a. They cut some tules.
gew adv there (as in: over there, farther than 'taw'; it may also be a location that is not visible to the speaker) Hewetga gew! Walk over there! Xayat na' bilaasu'un gew. I put down the plate over there.