hospital, hospitla n hospital Mich hospital k'oti'. The hospital is really big. Di'ishta' 'aman hew hospitla. They built a hospital here.
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dawhalit, dawhalta' v work Dawhalit na' xo'ow. I worked at home. Dawhalta' 'aman hospitlaw. They worked at the hospital.
hokshat, hokshata' v vomit Hokshat 'am tantaw hospitlaw. She's throwing up as she was going to the hospital. Tixtana' hokshata'. The sick one threw up.
balak', balaak'i pregnant (as in: to be pregnant) Hewetta' taa mokeela' balak' hospitlaw. That pregnant woman walked to the hospital. Yatta' dokton' mokeela'an balaak'i. The doctor talked to the pregnant woman.
mosto', mosto'on n old person Wil' xon' taa mosto' hew. That old person used to live here. Amilta' 'aman mosto'on hospitlaw. They helped the old person in the hospital.
chokyot, chokyoto' v diarrhea (to have one) Ohom' da' 'oyiisat. Chokyot. He's not happy. He's having diarrhea. Tanmixta' 'aman taa noch'o' hospitlaw, halaada' chokyoto'. They took that boy to the hospital, because he had diarrhea.