k'eemixiy', k'eemixiya n white oak Mich wa'at' k'eemixiy'. The white oak is very tall. Halaaxinta' t'uyt'uy' k'eemixiya. The chipmunk climbed the white oak.
Search results for "k'eemixiy', k'eemixiya"
xaxay', xaxayi n mushroom, growing under oak trees K'eemixiyaw xaxay'. The mushrooms are under the white oak. Kiwshit na' xaxaayi keewishaw. I boiled the mushrooms in the pot.
t'uyt'uy, t'uyt'uya n chipmunk Halaaxinta' t'uyt'uy' k'eemixiya. The chipmunk climbed the black oak. Yuhut na' t'uyt'uya. I hunted chipmunk.