maa'an, maamin ProN you, plural Hidya' maa'an ta'ishhil nan. You all saw me. Kate hidya'an maamin hoyoch'an'. Kate likes all of you.
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min ProN your (possessive, singular) Wa' min xo'. Your house is far. Ch'aawaliwig min xataashi! Go pay for your food!
'aman, 'amaamin ProN they (plural) Aman xata'an'. They are eating. Linda wanta' 'amaamin hedeesha. Linda gave them wood.
Dominkanaw n Sunday Miisan' wil' Dominkanaw. He used to go to church on Sundays. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)
'amaamin ProN their (plural) Xo' 'amaamin 'ooch'iy' naanin xo'. Their house is close to ours. Yashne' na' ta'an 'amaamin hatma. I wish for their singing.
minich, mincha n nipple Minich bemeemat. The breast is full. Ch'emit na' 'am mincha. I milked its nipple.
'am/'amin ProN his, her Hoxitta' 'amin cheexa'. His dog barked. Mich' k'oti' 'am xo'. Her house is very big.
homnit, hominta' v greet Homnit nan. She greeted me. Hominta' 'am no'oomo. She greeted her mother.
k'amnit, k'aminta' v dry (to become) K'amnit wakay'. The river dried up. K'aminta' hedesh. The wood dried up.
limin', limna n acorn mush, meal Limin' weelehanta'. The acorn mush was stirred. Di'ishta' 'ama' yunk'u limna. She made warm acorn mush.