Search results for "ooch'iy'"
mos, moso n sweat house Ta'ishhane' mos hew. The sweathouse is visible from here. Di'she' 'aman moso 'ooch'iy' wakaya. They will build the sweathouse near the river.
'epmixi', 'epmixi'in n swimsuit Loolunta' 'am 'epmixi' 'ooch'iy' lameesa'an. Her swimsuit hung near the table. Shawigta' 'epmixi'in. She bought a swimsuit.
oxiwit, 'oxiwta' v take off clothing items Noono' jageeda'an 'am 'oxiwit. The man took off his coat. Oxiwta' 'am sabaadu'un 'ooch'iy' teseech'i. He took off his shoes by the door.
'amaamin ProN their (plural) Xo' 'amaamin 'ooch'iy' naanin xo'. Their house is close to ours. Yashne' na' ta'an 'amaamin hatma. I wish for their singing.
holooshut, holoshta' v sit (cf. perch) Shoowin' holooshut weewilaw. The pigeon is perching on a branch. Holoshta' 'ooch'iy' 'oshto. She sat near the fire.
bistoola' n pistol Lulnaxon' 'ooch'iy' teseech'i bistoola'. The pistol has been hanging by the door. Tishat 'am bistoola'an. He pulled out his pistol. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.)
moxolhoy', moxolhoyi n old people Moxolhoy' 'yokuch' yalk'it 'ooch'iy' 'oshto. The old people stood near the fire. Ta'ishta' na' moxolhoyi yokooch'i. I saw the old people.
k'ukk'uknat, k'ukk'uknata' v peck K'ukk'uknat ch'enbay' 'ooch'iy' 'utu'un. The bird is pecking near the tree. K'ukk'uknata' gayiina' gullaliw. The chicken pecked on the fence.
banan'lat, banan'lata' v lay down someone/something Mi'in 'ama' noono' banan'lata' 'am 'ooch'iy' Tawaanishaw. Then the man laid him down close to the Morning Star.