Search results for "shoopin, shoopina"

shoopin, shoopina n three Hoynit shoopin ch'enbay' wa'law. Three birds flew in the sky. Hoyuch'ta' na' shoopina aabula. I wanted three apples. (sem. domains: - Yesterday, today, tomorrow, - Cardinal numbers, - Number of times, - Numbered group.)

taashin those Hewet'an' tashin hach'aami' mokeela'. Those young women are walking. Xatta' na' tashin shoopina aabula. I ate those three apples.

banyu', banyu'un n towel (cf. rag, cloth) Ch'apyit banyu'. The towel is wet. Shawge' na' banyu'un shoopina. I'm going to buy three towels.

beelas n pear Bajeexat beelas. The pear rotted. Waanit 'aman shoopina beelasi. He gave them three pears. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

patis, patsi n lice (as in: head lice) Hoyno' patis 'am shilshiw. Head lice will fly to his hair. Bok'to' 'aman shoopina patsi. They found three head lice.

heley'hiy', heley'hiya n bra Mich hijma' hi' heley'hiy'. These bras are very cheap. Wanta' 'am no'om shoopina heley'hiya. Her mother gave her three bras.