Search results for "yooyot, yooyoto'"

yooyot, yooyoto' v call Yooyot nan nim no'om. My mother called me. Yooyoto' dokton' nim na'ata. The doctor called my older sister.

migaana', migaana'an n man (as in: white man) Epta' migaana' wakayaw. The white man swam in the river. Yooyoto' 'aman migaana'an. They called the white man.

mon'shil'₂ adv eight times Yooyoto' nan mon'shil'. He called me eight times.

huushe'ich' n driver Hulush'an' huushe'ich' otmobiilaw. The driver is sitting in the car. Yooyoto' taa noono' huushe'ch'i. That man called the driver. (sem. domains: 6.6 - Occupation, - Oppress.)

huushe'ich', huushe'ch'i n driver Hulush'an' huushe'ich' 'otmobiilaw. The driver is sitting in the car. Yooyoto' taa noono' huushe'ch'i. That man called the driver.

wokeela', wokeela'an n cowboy Hulush'an' wokeela' gullaliw. The cowboys are sitting on the fence. Yooyoto' 'am nopop wokeela'an. His father called the cowboy.