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wexlewash n game, with bones or straw

lowniwshat v gather (to celebrate) Lownishat 'aman 'am tisha'taw. They gathered at his birthday. Lowniwshata' aman Tishamyuw. They gathered at Spring time.

Hiyahawu! Gee! (exclamation)

'ishet v get out of the way, 2 (or, move over) Ishet na'. I moved out of the way. Isheta', mi'in widinta'. He moved out of the way and fell.

ga'ich'a n girl (a pretty one) Yaatit ga'ich'a' nan. The pretty girl talked to me. Yaatit na' ga'ich'a'an. I talked to the pretty girl.

k'eshnit₂ v go inside (cf. enter)

ch'uyu' adv even though (cf. anyway) Ohom' may' huda'an' hawitmi hoyil', ch'uyu' da' t'ulhanta. We don't know how he was alive, even though he was burned. Shawigta' galjina ha'ehhi, ch'uyu' da' 'ohom' na'ash ch'awaalal. He bought a lot of clothes, even though he couldn't pay for them.

ni'waw adv evening Panat ch'oleepataw ni'waw. He arrived at six in the evening. Taane' hoy'no' ni'waw. The plane will leave in the evening. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.)

wa' adj far Mich 'amaamin xo' wa'. Their house is very far. (sem. domains: - Near, - Think so, - Separate, scatter, 8.2.6 - Distance, - High, 8.1.4 - More, - Far, - Less.)

nopop n father Nopop nim hoyooto' nan Bill. My father named me Bill. Goyet 'am nopoopo. He took care of his father. (sem. domains: - Pregnancy, - Adopt.)