Search results for "hew"

Nuta', Nuta'an n Mono (or Northerner) Lopsile' Nuta' ta'an hew. The Monos are going to fish here. Nuta'an na' yatta'. I talked to the Monos.

'epeesich', 'epesch'i n lawyer Hewetta' 'epeesich' 'am 'otmobiilaw. The lawyer walked to this car. Yatta' na'an namoogun 'epesch'i. We talked to our lawyer.

ch'axish, ch'axsha n live oak Bohlo' galjin ch'axish hew. Many live oaks will grow here. Lasma'shoto' 'aman ch'axsha. They wanted to chop down the live oak.

ch'init adj loud (cf. noisy) Hewetta' bonoy' ch'init noch'o' denderow. The two loud boys walked to the store. Yawaalit ch'init ch'enbayi. She chased the loud bird.

hospital, hospitla n hospital Mich hospital k'oti'. The hospital is really big. Di'ishta' 'aman hew hospitla. They built a hospital here.

pu'xa', pu'xa'an n grey hair Pu'xa' 'am na'ash hew ta'ishhanal. Her grey hair can be seen from here. Ohom' gay'sine' 'am pu'xa'an. He doesn't like his grey hair.

bohlut, boohulta' v grow Mayish bohlut. The corn grew. Boohulta' ch'awik' hew. Poison oak grew here. (sem. domains: - Become, change state, - Growing grain, - Mature in behavior, 6.2.1 - Growing crops, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants, - Increase, - Grow, get bigger.)

deyeelich', deyelch'i n guard (cf. herder) Heweete' deyeelich' mi'in. The guard will walk soon. Ohom' da' 'aman ta'ishta' deyelch'i. They did not see the guard.

dushut, dushto' v get used to Dushut na' hewetch'i. I get used to walking. Dushto' na' gaadu'un. I got used to the cat.

shabakyit, shabakiyta' v give up (= cannot quite do something) Ama' p'ay' shabakyit balaashich'. That baby can't quite crawl. Mugshay' 'am shabakiyta' heweetich'. Her grandma couldn't quite walk.