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banyu', banyu'un n towel (cf. rag, cloth) Ch'apyit banyu'. The towel is wet. Shawge' na' banyu'un shoopina. I'm going to buy three towels.

k'amaanewishhiy', k'amaanewishhiya n towel (Lit: something to dry with) Xoch'ooyot k'amaanewishhiy'. The towel is dirty. Maaxit k'amaanewishhiya. He picked the towel.

taawan', taawana n town Mich gayis hi' taawan'. This town is very good. Mi'in 'amak' Noh'o' 'ama' yo' Ka'yu' lolto' taawana. And Bear and Coyote left town.

galil', galila n train Galila na' shadginta'. I rode the train.

'utu', 'utu'un n tree Bohlo' mi'in galjin 'utu' hew. Many trees will soon grow here. Halaxnit shidgil 'utu'un. The squirrel climbed the tree. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Related by birth, - Amphibian, 6.4.1 - Hunt, 1.1.1 - Sun.)

mollit, molilta v trick (cf. fool) Molilta' Ka'yu' Tawaanisha. Coyote played a trick on Morning Star.

k'eshgat, k'eshgata' v suck (and chew) K'eshgat na' ch'eeya. I sucked on the bone. K'eshgata' 'am nomchi. He chewed his thumb.

doyut, doyto' v suck blood Doyut k'oolapi' nim paayax. The mosquito sucked my blood. Mejnit 'am doyut leeji'in. She really sucks the milk.

suugala', suugala'an n sugar Papyit suugala' lameesaw. The sugar scattered on the table. Wanhil na' 'am suugala'an. I gave him some sugar.

op, 'oopo₂ n sun (cf. moon, clock) Haweeshataw 'op tishit? What time did the sun come out? Ta'shit na' 'oopo. I saw the sun.