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jelet₂ n lunch Gayiina'an na' xata'an' jeletaw. I ate chicken at lunch (time). (sem. domains: - Prepared food, - Crazy.)

jeletit v lunch (to have one) Jeletta' hitwash nan. She had lunch with me.

chipni' n magical power, one who possesses

bayan' adj know how, good at Taa noono' mich bayan' hatma. That man is good at singing. Bayan' naa'ak' gayeeda'an di'sham'. We both know how to make cookies.

'am ProN him, her Jack 'utyut 'am. Jack pushed him. Gewta' na' 'am. I met her.

'am/'amin ProN his, her Hoxitta' 'amin cheexa'. His dog barked. Mich' k'oti' 'am xo'. Her house is very big.

k'olwosh n hole in the rock

hospital n hospital Dawhalta' na' hospitlaw. I worked at the hospital. (sem. domains: - Hospital, 6.5.1 - Building.)

washaama'- n house (round, for ceremony) Mich k'oti' washaama'. The round house is very big.

hawitmi adv how Hawitmi da' ma' wile' squirrel? How do you say 'squirrel'? Hawitmi da' ma' gosneenot xataashi? How did you cook the food?