Search results for "k'ay'"

kuy'ulut, kuy'uluta' v salt something Kuy'ulut lopso. She just salted the fish. Kuy'uluta' 'am k'ayaxti. He put salt on his salmon.

wonish, won'shi n purse (cf. pocket, pouch, wallet) Ipsinit 'am wonish. Her purse is lost. Shawigta' habilk'ay wonshi. She bought a red purse.

k'eelit, k'elta'₁ v paint (cf. spread) Nebech' nim k'eelit gullali. My older brother painted the fence. K'elta' na' nim xo'o habilk'ay. I painted my house red.

shalbit, shalibta' v peel (for potatoes, carrots, etc.) Shalbit na' baabasi. I peeled the potatoes. Shalibta' 'aman k'ayaashi. They peeled the carrots.

xoshim n East Mi'in tanta' K'ayu' xoshim. Then Coyote went east. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

ch'edat, ch'edata' v crunch up, Ch'edat na' maalis. I crunched (or, chewed) up the clover. Ch'edata' 'ama' k'ayaashi. He chewed up the carrots. (sem. domains: - Move noisily, - Bite, chew.)

p'itlit, p'itilta' v bend over P'itlit 'ama' maaxach' bilaasu'un. He's bending over to pick up a plate. P'itilta' yo' hujta' habilk'ay' noh'o'. The grizzly bear bent over and growled.

paayax, paayaxa n blood Habilk'ay paayax. The blood is red. Doyut dokton' nim paayaxa. The doctor drew my blood.
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