sawit, saw'ta' v water something Sawit na' 'utu'un. I watered the tree. Saw'ta' hidya'an 'eelawi. She watered all the flowers.
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galiide', galiide'en n watercress Bohulta' galiide' hew. Watercress grew here. Labayit na' galiide'en. I gathered watercress.
sandiiya', sandiiya'an n watermelon Mich bajix sandiiya'. The watermelon is rotten. Ch'atta' na' sandiiya'an. I split the watermelon. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)
wimit, wimta' v wave Wimit 'am p'onoosha. He waved his hand. Wimta' min p'onoosha 'am panaataw. I waved my hand when she arrived.
naa'ak', naanig ProN we (dual, not including you) Ta'ishhil naa'ak' mam. We (two) saw you. Basyalit ma' naanig. You visited us both.
naa'an, naanin ProN we (exclusive: not including you) Wosit naa'an 'amaamin. We (excluding you) hit them. Hujut noh'o' naanin. The bear growled at us (excluding you).
may', maywa ProN we (inclusive: including you) Wosit may' 'amaamin. We (including you) hit them. Ta'ishta' maywa. He saw us (including you).
xayawshit, xayaawishta' v wear (cf. put on oneself) Ha'an da' xayaawishxon' Joe? What is Joe wearing? Xayaawishta' 'am lisanyu'un gamiisha'an. He wore his blue shirt.
shilwit, shiliwta' v weave Shilwit hiilun. She weaved (with) thread. Shiliwta' 'aman hoopulan. They weaved (with) whiteroot.
Shopeeyanaw; Shopeeyataw n Wednesday Taane' 'am nopop Shopeeyanaw. His father is going on Wednesday. Banewishta' aman Shopeeyanaw. They raced on Wednesday. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)