Archive for webonary

saayi’, saayi’in₂

saayi', saayi'in₂ n wing (cf. feather) Limeek'ata' 'am saayi'. Its wings became black.

naa’ak’, naanig

naa'ak', naanig ProN we (dual, not including you) Ta'ishhil naa'ak' mam. We (two) saw you. Basyalit ma' naanig. You visited us both.

hili’si’, hili’si’in

hili'si', hili'si'in n which Hili'si' p'ay' gadaayit? Which child is hungry? Hili'si'in noono'on na' wosit? Which man did I hit?

ch’ayak’nit, ch’ayaak’inta’

ch'ayak'nit, ch'ayaak'inta' v wink at somebody Ch'ayaknit na' 'am. I winked at him. Ch'ayaak'inta' 'ama', mi'in tanta'. She winked, then she left. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request, - Gesture, - Star.)

naa’an, naanin

naa'an, naanin ProN we (exclusive: not including you) Wosit naa'an 'amaamin. We (excluding you) hit them. Hujut noh'o' naanin. The bear growled at us (excluding you).

lap’it, lap’ta’

lap'it, lap'ta' v whip Gawaayu'un shilshin lap'it na' 'am. I whipped him with horse hair. Cheexa'an wa'at' k'ut' lap'ta' nan. The dog's long tail whipped me.

tomooxish, tomooxisha

tomooxish, tomooxisha n winter (cf. year) (sem. domains: - Season.)

may’, maywa

may', maywa ProN we (inclusive: including you) Wosit may' 'amaamin. We (including you) hit them. Ta'ishta' maywa. He saw us (including you).

p’ooyach’, p’oych’a

p'ooyach', p'oych'a n whirlwind Huju'nuta' nan p'ooyach'. The whildwind scared me. 'Awaasit na' p'oych'a. I hate storms.

xayawshit, xayaawishta’

xayawshit, xayaawishta' v wear (cf. put on oneself) Ha'an da' xayaawishxon' Joe? What is Joe wearing? Xayaawishta' 'am lisanyu'un gamiisha'an. He wore his blue shirt.