Archive for webonary


shiipit v write Sheepit na' nim hoyowush 'amaa. I wrote my name over there. Shepta' 'am hoyowush bobbilaw. He wrote his name on the paper. (sem. domains: - Compose music, - Write, - Describe.)

mokeela’, mokeela’an

mokeela', mokeela'an n woman Tashin hach'ami' mokeela' ta'ishta' nan. Those young women saw me. Ta'ishta' na' k'oliswa'an mokeela'an. I saw the little woman. (sem. domains: - Old person, 4.1.2 - Types of people, - Woman, - Youth, - Adult.)

shipach’, shipaach’i

shipach', shipaach'i n writer Xayat taa shipach' 'am bobbila lameesaw. That writer put down her paper on the table. Dihta' na' shipaach'i. I went with the writer.

yunuk’tat, yunuk’tata’

yunuk'tat, yunuk'tata' v warm up something Yunuk'tat xataashi. He warmed up the food. Yunuk'tata' 'am kape'en. She warmed up her coffee.


toxil n West Xayaata' K'ayu' weela'an toxil. Coyote put the light in the west. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

wat’, waat’a

wat', waat'a n who Wat' da' hi'? Who is this? Ohom' na' yathil waat'a. I didn't talk to anyone.

yugshut, yugushta’

yugshut, yugushta' v wash Yugshut na' banyu'un. I washed a rag. Yugushta' 'am teeliya. He washed his teeth.

ch’apiy, ch’apyi

ch'apiy, ch'apyi adj wet Taa ch'apiy' noono' shawigta' jageeda'an. That wet man bought a jacket. Na'at nim xayaata' ch'apyi banyu'un 'aabulaw. My older sister put the wet towel on the apple.

xap’it, xap’ta’

xap'it, xap'ta' v whup (or beat) Xap'it 'ama' 'am. He whupped him.

yugushhuy’, yugushhuya

yugushhuy', yugushhuya n washing machine Ohom' da' hijma' yugushhuy'. Washing machine is not cheap. Shawigta' 'aman yugushhuya. They bought a washing machine.